The one person, partial covered boat tube was invented in 1984 by the Head Designer of WOW. It now has an arrow shaped design rather than a circular one that allows for more stability and control for the rider.
- Heavy Duty Partial Nylon Cover
- Heavy-Gauge PVC Bladder
- Double Webbing Foam Handles with Knuckle Guards
- Flat Foam Handles
- Reinforced Towing System
- Speed Valve for Fast Inflation and Deflation
- Zippered Valve Cover
- Custom Designer Pro Am Racing Stripe Graphic
- Heavy-Duty Arrow Shape Construction for Stability and More Control for the Rider
- Drain Vent
Riders 1 UPC 4897034342765 MPN 15-1120 LNS Part # 742-151120 KMS Part # WOW 151120 DMP Part # 33-0259
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